LaunchNotes was made with collaboration and communication across teams at the heart of what we do. Collaboration across tools and teams works best when everyone stays in sync and processes work seamlessly.
This article will discuss the following:
We use GraphQL for our API, which provides powerful functionality and flexibility.
๐ก Tip: If you're unfamiliar with GraphQL, you can find out more about it here:
API documentation
Our API documentation can be found at You can search the different Operations (queries and mutations) and Types in the left hand navigation bar, which will bring up the relevant fields, nodes, and implementations:
API Authentication
Creating an API token
To interact with our API, you'll need to generate an API token. This can be found under Settings > API & Embed in the LaunchNotes admin navbar, and selecting the create API Token button.
There are two types of API tokens: publishable and management:
Read-only Public tokens
Public API (read-only)
This API user can only read in public Announcements. Perfect for embedding published Announcements into your web app using our pop-over embed or the API itself.
Management API tokens
Management API tokens provide read and write access to your project. Their level of permission is that of a Contributor, so they can create and update Announcements. These tokens should never be shared publicly and are suitable for server-side use cases where you might want to automate the creation of content.
The GraphQL endpoint
The endpoint is the same for all operations, regardless of token type.
Using an API token
You must provide an API token as a Bearer token for every request to the API.
For example:
curl 'H "Authorization: Bearer public_QKHLUeWw6HxyE5cq9nujHqqX" \
-X POST -d " \
{ \
\"query\": \"query { viewer { id }}\" \
} \
Interacting with the API
All operations should be made through the viewer
For example, querying a project's categories:
query GetCategories {
viewer {
project(id: "your_project_id") {
categories {
nodes {
Creating an Announcement:
mutation useCreateAnnouncement_Mutation ($projectId: ID!) {
createAnnouncement(input: { announcement: { projectId: $projectId } }) {
announcement {
errors {
Updating an Announcement
mutation useUpdateAnnouncement_Mutation ($announcement: UpdateAnnouncementAttributes!) {
updateAnnouncement(input: { announcement: $announcement }) {
announcement {
errors {
Access limitations
Rate limit
An API token can run a maximum of 300 operations every 5 minutes.
Frequently used snippets
Here are some frequently used snippet examples that are helpful when looking to integrate LaunchNotes with your Consent Hub:
Create project subscription - automate the creation of a subscriber to your LaunchNotes page
Cancel subscription by email - automate the removal of a LaunchNotes subscriber, such as when a user deletes their account.
We're here to help!
โ๏ธ If you have any questions or suggestions for our API and API documentation,
please get in touch with us at [email protected].