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Automate the creation of a LaunchNotes roadmap item from an epic in Jira
Automate the creation of a LaunchNotes roadmap item from an epic in Jira

How to automate the creation of roadmap Items in LaunchNotes when an epic is created in Jira

Michael Simmons avatar
Written by Michael Simmons
Updated over a week ago

This automation rule will create a roadmap item on your LaunchNotes account when you create an epic (or whatever issue type you'd like to use), in Jira. In order to set this up, you'll need the following information from your LaunchNotes account:

Jira Setup

In Jira, go to Project Settings > Apps > Project automation > Rules > Create rule:

  • New Trigger: When: Issue created

  • New condition: Issue fields condition

    • Field: Issue Type

    • Condition: Equals

    • Value: Epic

  • Add Component:

New action: Send web request

"query":"mutation createWorkItem (\n $name: String!\n $stageId: ID!\n $categories: [CategoryAttributes!]\n $contentJira: String\n) {\n createWorkItem(input: {\n workItem: {\n name: $name,\n stageId: $stageId,\n categories: $categories,\n contentJira: $contentJira\n }\n}){\n workItem {\n id\n}\n}\n}",
"categories":[{"id": "cat_CJVj1rlvd00DD"}, {"id": "cat_ZdWV2j2YdZ3JC"}]
  • Select Wait for response βœ… "Delay execution of subsequent rule actions until we've received a response for this webhook"

πŸ’‘ If using categories, the category arrtibute needs to be an array of CategoryAttribues (ID's), structures an as object as shown in the example above.

Example screenshot:

Now this is set up, the next step is to identify and attach the LaunchNotes roadmap work item ID to your Epic, once it has been created in LaunchNotes created via the Jira Automation.

Continue adding to the rule:

Test this out by creating a New Epic in Jira. Now when this is saved out, the field launch_notes_work_item_id should be populated with the LaunchNotes roadmap work item ID:

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