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Analytics dashboard
Michael Simmons avatar
Written by Michael Simmons
Updated over 8 months ago

The analytics dashboard provides in-depth analytics on the performance of your LaunchNotes project as a whole. This will be the first page that you're taken to when logging into your LaunchNotes account, and you'll be shown a default summary of the overall performance of your page activity over the past 4 weeks.

πŸ“† Select a different or custom custom date range using the date selector in the top right hand corner. This updates both the selected and comparison periods.

This overall performance view will surface, at a glance, the following metrics for the selected time period, with a comparison against the previous time period:

  • New subscriber growth

  • New announcement notifications sent to your subscribers, along with metrics for the overall open rate, click rate, and click-to-open rate

  • New page views

  • New votes cast,

  • New feedback submitted

Further down this page, you'll have access to dig further into in-depth metrics on your:

Announcements Analytics

The Announcement analytics dashboard gives insight into the performance of your announcement email notifications over the selected date range. You'll be presented with graphs for the following:

  • Email engagement by announcement notification (total sent, opened, clicked)

  • Email engagement rates (percentage of opened and clicked per notification)

  • Open rates by day of week sent

  • Open rates by hour of day sent

You can also toggle the email engagement metrics between a chart view and a table view, which presents a list of the announcements with linked titles that will take you to a specific announcement for more details.

The open rates by day of week and hour of day can be used to optimize your sends. We recommend occasionally experimenting with publishing announcements on different days or at different times of day to find what works best for your audience.

Note: Days and times on these charts are displayed in UTC +0

πŸ’‘The open rates graphs are available on our Business and Enterprise plans

Subscriber Analytics

The subscriber analytics dashboard displays a quick reference to your new subscribers by category, and new subscribers by domain in two separate tables. In the subscribers by domain table, you're able to click into each domain to bring up the domain info panel for a deeper dive into how subscribers on a particular domain are interacting with your published page.

Note: if a subscriber has selected 2 or more categories they will be counted under each of those categories

πŸ’‘The Subscribers domain table is available on our Business and Enterprise plans

Page & Widget Analytics

The Page & widget tables provide a table view of your most viewed announcements, your most viewed roadmap items as well as a chart presenting the total number of views of announcements via your LaunchNotes in-app widget if you are using one. On the widget announcement views graph, you will see the count of views and the day those views were recorded when you hover over the bars.

Views on announcements and roadmap items are counting unique views of both anonymous and authenticated subscribers.

To qualify as a widget announcement view, an individual needs to both open the widget to see the announcement cards and click into an announcement card to view the full content.

Feedback analytics dashboard

The feedback analytics dashboard surfaces three key metrics, all of which are assisted by Bernie, your AI Assistant to help raise insights from your feedback automatically.

Automated topic modeling: Bernie scans all of the feedback you have received over the selected period, detects words and phrases within the feedback, and automatically clusters keywords that have been used with the highest volume. Further, you can click on a word to navigate directly to the feedback inbox, automatically filtered to only the relevant pieces of feedback associated with that word.

Average feedback sentiment: Provides you with a graphical representation of the positive and negative sentiment in the content of the feedback over the selected date range. Hover over the chart to view the average sentiment scores associated with specific dates.

Feedback by sentiment: This chart gives you a snapshot of the sentiment broken out by positive, neutral, and negative feedback for the selected date range. When you hover over the individual bars, you’ll be presented with a specific date and the number of sentiment scores broken out from positive to negative.

πŸ’‘ The feedback analytics dashboard is available on our Business and Enterprise plans


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