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LaunchNotes Jira App - Roadmap Sync
LaunchNotes Jira App - Roadmap Sync
Michael Simmons avatar
Written by Michael Simmons
Updated over 10 months ago

Roadmap Sync

LaunchNotes' roadmap syncing in Jira allows customers to generate, manage, and modify LaunchNotes roadmaps seamlessly, all from within Jira.

To access the LaunchNotes Roadmap integration, click on a Jira issue. This will open a window where you can find the roadmap control on the right side panel.

Whether you're starting a new project or want to link an existing epic to a LaunchNotes roadmap item, the app makes creating new roadmap items and connecting existing roadmap items easy.

For information on how to install the app read the following article:

This article will cover the following:

Create a roadmap item

To create a new roadmap item click on the Jira Issue you are interested in associating the roadmap item with and then click Create in the bottom right corner. While any issue type can be connected to a LaunchNotes roadmap item, teams will typically connect Jira Epics.

From here you can enter the roadmap item Name, Select a stage to place the roadmap item in, Select and owner for the roadmap item & Select categories for the roadmap item.

Note: Stages, categories, and users are coming in from LaunchNotes not Jira.

When you are done click Create.

Connect a roadmap item

The ability to connect to an existing roadmap item is beneficial for users who have an existing epic in Jira and wish to connect it to an existing roadmap item.

To connect to an existing roadmap item click Connect in the bottom right corner.

Select a roadmap item from the dropdown menu and click Connect to save the selection.

Note: A Jira issue can only connect to one LaunchNotes roadmap item, while a roadmap item can be connected to to many Jira issues.

Updating roadmap items in LaunchNotes from Jira

Link to roadmap item in LaunchNotes

Clicking on the Roadmap Item name will open a modal containing a link to that item in LaunchNotes.

Clicking on continue will navigate you away from Jira and into the roadmap item editor within LaunchNotes.

Updating Roadmap Item Stage

Clicking on the current stage will open a modal where you can update the roadmap item's current stage.

Select a stage from the dropdown menu.

Update the Projected date

  • Clicking the calendar icon will open a modal that allows you to change the projected date for a roadmap item.

  • Clicking on the arrows icon synchronizes the projected completion date of the roadmap item with the current issue's due date. However, if the Jira issue due date changes after syncing, it will not resynchronize automatically. You'll need to manually synchronize it again using the sync button.

From the popup modal you can set the projected date and choose from four different formatting options for how you would like to display said date.

  • Do not display

  • Exact - April 30, 2024

  • Fuzzy - This month, next month, March 2024

  • Quarterly - Q2 - 2024

Update the owner

Click on the current owners name, to change the owner of the roadmap item. The owner must be a LaunchNotes user, and this field will not be displayed outside of the LaunchNotes Management Portal.

Update the associated categories

Click on the dropdown menu next to categories to add or remove the categories associated with a roadmap item.

Action: Post update

Post updates to roadmap items from Jira

  • Defaults to internal update

  • This provides the ability to add updates into the timeline of the roadmap item, and optionally including those updates in the published timeline for the item.

  • Checking Notify Roadmap item Subscribers and team members will send an email containing the update to your LaunchNotes project internal team members and subscribers of the connected roadmap item. Only subscribers to the specific roadmap item will be notified.

Once you submit the update it will also show up on the timeline for the roadmap item in LaunchNotes.

Note: Even if Display timeline on roadmap? is toggled on, internal updates will not be shown on the published roadmap item.

Action: Ellipse Button

Click on the ellipse button to

  • View Published Roadmap Item: If the roadmap item is on a published stage click to view the roadmap item from your LaunchNotes page

  • Disconnect Roadmap item: Dissociates the Jira issue from the LaunchNotes roadmap item

Updating a roadmap items stage from inside LaunchNotes will show up in Jira as a comment.

Connecting Roadmap items in LaunchNotes to issues in Jira

LaunchNotes users also can connect a roadmap item to a Jira issue from within LaunchNotes. This provides bi-directional control of the connection between LaunchNotes roadmap items and Jira issues.

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