You can add additional details to your announcement and control how each one looks it's shared on social platforms. These elements are what social platforms parse for their respective share elements.
You can access these settings when drafting an announcement by clicking Search & share settings.
Note: LaunchNotes also has global search and share settings for public pages. If you don't configure announcement-specific search and share settings, your global settings will be used. If you do configure announcement-specific search and share settings, your global settings will be overridden.
1. URL Slug
Change the slug of your release to something more readable and search-friendly.
2. Page and share title
Sets the title of your page - appears bolded and above or below your share image. Recommend max 60 characters.
3. Meta description
Appears below the title and should describe this specific announcement. Defaults to excerpt.
5. Share image
This is the image that's shown when sharing on social platforms.
6. Do not index
Checking this box will prevent search engines from indexing this announcement. This will not affect the rest of your project.