LaunchNotes Control for Slack enables your entire team to create and organize feedback from the convenience of Slack, without ever having to log into a LaunchNotes page. With the app, all members of your Slack workspace can:
Use the “/Add Feedback with LaunchNotes Control” shortcut to create feedback on behalf of a customer
Use the message action “Add as Feedback” to prefill the feedback form with the content of an existing message (great for teams using Slack Connect to communicate with customers)
Organize and Prioritize feedback when submitting
Installing LaunchNotes Control for Slack
To install the LaunchNotes Control app, go to Settings > Integrations and select “Install” on the Control for Slack card.
You’ll be redirected to Slack. Then, confirm you are installing to the correct Slack Workspace and provide the required permissions.
Creating feedback in Slack
When creating feedback from Slack, users that do not already have Admin or Contributor roles for the project will be assigned a Feedback agent role. Users with this role type do not count against any user limits and do not have the ability to manage or publish content via the Management Portal.
When installed, all Slack Workspace users will have access to the app shortcut and message actions and can begin creating feedback on behalf of users and themselves.
The feedback form includes the same fields as the form in the Management Portal, allowing users to specify:
Email address of person who originally gave you the feedback
Short summary of the feedback
(Optionally) the Related Idea, Roadmap item or Announcement
(Optionally) an importance level
(Optionally) Notes