Setting up a Custom Subdirectory

Set up a custom Subdomain for your published page

Michael Simmons avatar
Written by Michael Simmons
Updated over a week ago

LaunchNotes supports using a custom host with a subdirectory for your LaunchNotes page. Below are some of the ways you could configure a reverse proxy (or a service to proxy for you) to setup a custom subdirectory. The best solution will heavily depend on your existing infrastructure setup. As a result, we are not able to advise any specific guidance beyond what is included below.

💡 If you and your engineering team are not already familiar with these technologies, we strongly recommend using a custom subdomain instead.


For more information on how to do this with AWS, please see AWS documentation here.

If you use AWS CloudFront, make sure to:

  • Allowed HTTP Methods needs to be GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE.

  • For cache settings, choose Legacy Cache Settings options and choose All for Headers, Cookies, and Query Strings.


If you are on the enterprise plan with Cloudflare, you can use page rules to accomplish a custom subdirectory, more info here.

Server Configuration

For the below examples, suppose you want to set a path prefix of /myprefix and your LaunchNotes URL Make sure to replace myprefix with the actual path you want to use and SUBDOMAIN_ON_LAUNCHNOTES with your LaunchNotes url subdomain. After changing the server configuration, restart the respective service for the changes to take effect.


You can modify the Nginx configuration like this:

location /**myprefix** { rewrite ^/**myprefix**/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_pass https://****************; proxy_set_header Host ****************; }


For Apache, you'll need to enable the following modules: proxy, proxy_http, and headers. Add the following configuration to your Apache virtual host file:

apacheCopy code ProxyPass /myprefix/ ProxyPassReverse /myprefix/ RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https expr=%{REQUEST_SCHEME}


For Caddy, use is the handle_path directive and reverse_proxy to our services:

handle_path /myprefix/* { reverse_proxy }

Once you have accomplished this, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can update our internal resolvers to reflect these changes - this final step ensures that we’re configured correctly on our end for your custom subdirectory.

You can reach us at [email protected], or via live chat in your management portal.

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