Automatically create subscribers in LaunchNotes when they are added as a contact in your HubSpot instance. This is a great way to ensure your contacts are automatically subscribed to your product updates.
This help article will walk you through the process to configure this in Zapier, using Webhooks by Zapier.
β Please be aware that Webhooks by Zapier requires a Zapier premium account.
We've created a walkthrough on this via the following link, which will take you on a step-by-step visual guide on how to set this up in Zapier: Setting up a Zapier Webhook for creating LaunchNotes subscribers from HubSpot contacts.
Information required from your LaunchNotes account
In order to set this up, you'll need the following information from your LaunchNotes account:
Management API token
Project ID
Category IDs (optional)
Roadmap item ID's (optional)
Custom request in Webhooks by Zapier configuration
App & event:
Webhooks by Zapier
Custom Request
Data Pass-Through
[leave blank]
{ "query": "mutation CreateProjectSubscription($projectId: ID!, $email: String!, $workItemId: ID, $categoryId: ID,) {createProjectSubscription(input: {projectSubscription: {projectId: $projectId,subscriber: {email: $email, type: SUBSCRIBER},workItems: [{id: $workItemId}],categories: [{id: $categoryId}],skipOptIn: true}}) {projectSubscription {id createdAt subscriber {email,confirmedAt}}, errors {path,message}}}", "variables": {"projectId": "Project ID","email": "Email address variable from trigger","categories": "Optional category IDs","workItems": "Optional roadmap item IDs",} }
Basic Auth
[leave blank]
Authorization | Bearer Management API token
Content-Type | application/json
We're here to help!
If you have any questions or suggestions for this Zapier HubSpot connection, please get in touch with us at [email protected], or chat with us via live chat within your management portal.