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LaunchNotes and Slack
Michael Simmons avatar
Written by Michael Simmons
Updated over a week ago

Teams all around the world use Slack to collaborate, and we've made sure Slack and LaunchNotes play nicely together through two different integration points:

  • Slack Announce: share and discuss product changes and feedback

  • LaunchNotes Control for Slack: quickly capture, prioritize, and organize feedback.

This article provides a high-level overview of both integrations.

Slack Announce

Note: Slack Announce is installed on an individual Slack user basis. It is not a global workspace application.

Slack Announce unlocks the following capabilities:

  • Subscribers and LaunchNotes users can tune their notifications by selecting/deselecting individual categories.

  • LaunchNotes admins and contributors can be notified in Slack when a new announcement is posted and when new feedback is received.

  • LaunchNotes admins and contributors can choose to discuss individual announcements or pieces of feedback by sending the notification to a certain Slack channel.

  • Your customers can subscribe to receive Slack notifications when you publish new announcements.

  • Your customers can choose to discuss individual announcements with their colleagues by sending the notification to a certain channel.

To learn more, reference the Slack Announce article.

LaunchNotes Control for Slack

Note: LaunchNotes Control must be installed by Slack workspace admins, as it is a global application accessible to the entire Slack workspace.

LaunchNotes Control unlocks the following capabilities:

  • Quickly capture feedback using a "/" command

  • Capture a message's content as feedback

  • Organize and prioritize feedback upon submitting

To learn more, reference the LaunchNotes Control for Slack article.

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